7:14 - "When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider
this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can
discover anything about their future."
Often, I find myself forgetting to enjoy the good things going on around me because I'm so worried about what is going to happen next. I haven't even taken the chance to recognize that I'm graduating with my Master's in THREE WEEKS, because I'm so worried about what's going to happen after graduation.
This verse reminds me to slow down. I deserve to enjoy this moment in my life. God led me here and wants me to bask in my accomplishments. I've learned it's much easier to be thankful and have a heart of worship when things are going well. It's like practicing for softball back in high school. We only played one day a week, but we practiced at least 4-5 days a week. Practice makes things more comfortable and natural for when it's time to preform. Learning to be happy during the good times will only make it easier to learn how to do so when times are rough.
those times come, it's important to remember God has allowed for all
seasons to come my way. I think it's okay to feel upset and question
what's going on, as long as I am still focused on God and what He's
trying to teach me. I think He gives us good and bad times to help
increase our understanding that God is God in every season. He is always
faithful, always available, and always listening to us.
It is imperative I stay focused on Him, rather than my surroundings. My emotions and circumstances are fleeting. Focusing on them would only increase my anxiety, stress, exhaustion, etc. I have no control on what comes next. Only He knows what's coming next for me.
My goal for these next couple weeks is this: Rejoice for the blessings around me. Enjoy my accomplishments and upcoming opportunities. Stay focused on His plan, rather than my own.
And, when the time comes and I feel like my situation has shifted, I will continue to thank Him that my journey isn't even close to being over.
And, when the time comes and I feel like my situation has shifted, I will continue to thank Him that my journey isn't even close to being over.
Thanks, God, for all the good and all the bad.