Thursday, December 3, 2015

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Ecclesiastes 8:15 - "So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun." 

I want to start this entry by explaining my picture. I couldn't find a good enough "pre-made" picture of the verse, so I made my own. I don't know if there is any other picture in the world that truly encompasses eating and drinking and enjoying life in a better way than this one. This was taken on a mini-vacation with my darling husband to Corpus Christie, TX to visit the original (and two story) Whataburger - one of my favorite restaurants. My cup is filled with Dr Pepper; I'm about to indulge in a Number One with cheese, no onions and extra pickles. Life doesn't get much more enjoyable than this!! 

I think this is a perfect verse to finish this semester with. I've been rather stressed about graduation, getting paperwork in, and taking my licensing tests. As I've stated before, I have yet to truly enjoy what's going on. This verse reminds me to slow down. It's like the author of Ecclesiastes is writing directly to me. He's seen me rushing through life, looking for the next goal to reach, and he wanted to let me know it's ok to chill and have a good time.

So, I plan on taking this to heart. I'm going to take the time to have fun for the next couple months, rather than fretting about that silly license coming in. I now have time to schedule best friend dinners, dates with my husband, lunch with my parents. I can focus on fostering those special relationships that keep me going when times get rough, when work starts up again and gets exhausting. 

I found myself just last night looking over my calendar for February worrying about rescheduling clients and taking too much time off for my trip to Disney/Universal. I almost felt guilty for going. Then, I read this verse. Who's to say I will even be back to work by then? And, if I am, why should I put off my own happiness in attempts to help others with theirs? (Self care, Sarah! Self. Care.) I have been looking forward to this trip since July! This verse reminds me that it's ok to look forward to vacation. It's ok to take time to recharge and re-energize myself. (It's ok to be excited about wearing cheesy matching shirts with my husband!) 

The more I think about it, this verse could serve as part of a great foundation for when I do start working again. I cannot be the best me, the best counselor, if I forget to take the time to have fun and do things that bring me joy. It is easy to get burned out in this field. I cannot be authentic and helpful if I'm telling clients to find joy in their every day life if I am forgetting to do it myself. Life can be difficult, as the verse says, but taking time to do enjoyable things can make it worth while. 

Thanks, God, for reminding me to have fun. 


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